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Office syndrome

Office syndrome is a set of symptoms caused by remaining in the same position for too long, which usually consists of sitting in front of a computer.

  • The shoulders slope forward.

  • The neck bends or leans forward.

  • The back slumps.

  • The legs cross and the pelvis twists.

  • The jaw is clenched.

  • The trapezius contracts.

  • Tension rises along the back of your body and starts hammering in your head.

The vertebral column extends as the load-bearing axis of the body, starting from the head, which it supports, and ending in the pelvis, through which it unloads the weight of the trunk and upper body onto the legs. From an analogical point of view, the spinal column gives indications about the ability to say yes and no to experiences, the ability to accept or reject and the ability to move through life.

In many reflexology treatment protocols, the pressure on the reflex areas of the spinal column constitutes the first approach to the patient's foot, both because it is in a central position and because it is connected, physically and analogically, by functionality and proximity, to almost all the other apparatuses. Many of the reflex areas of the column, moreover, intersect areas and epicentres of other very important organs, such as the heart and the digestive system.

An initial approach through palpation of the areas of the spinal column gives indications of the opening and/or closing attitude to the treatment of those we are treating and allows us to divide the areas to be treated into bilateral segments, such as high/low and right/left.

The close connection between the reflex points of the feet, back and head tension led me to develop a special protocol. Focus on relaxation and relieving accumulated stress in these areas through a combination of

  1. facial and head acupressure

  2. foot reflexology

  3. myofascial back massage

all in the same session Hygge Seele


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