Recent research indicates the existence of a 'brain-skin connection', i.e. a connection between mind and skin, precisely because the skin is not only the part of our body that first perceives stress, but also the target organ of responses caused by a stressful situation.
As the largest organ of the human body, in fact, the skin plays an important role as a barrier, and contributes to maintaining homeostasis by regulating and controlling the interaction between the external environment and internal tissues. Thanks to different types of receptors, in fact, the skin sends a signal to the brain in relation to external stimuli such as heat, cold, pain and mechanical tension, which can disturb this balance and induce a stressful situation.
The brain responds to the signals by influencing the skin's responses to the stress event or agent, but it is important to remember that the skin and its adnexa are not only the target of stress mediators, but that it is in fact the skin itself that produces some of these mediators, thus managing in partial autonomy, the responses to stress.
Also called the stress hormone, cortisol is present in our body during the day with rhythmic levels, regulated by the internal circadian clock system, with an almost constant basal secretion over 24 hours, a peak early in the morning and a minimum presence around midnight. In practice, cortisol, which induces a rise in blood glucose, serves to give us a boost, which is why its levels rise in the morning and then fall at night to allow us to rest.
Stress, however, can alter normal cortisol levels and thus its physiological fluctuation curve.
In skin cells, the keratinocytes, the cortisol level is regulated by two enzymes that work in opposite ways: the first raises the cortisol level, the second lowers it.
But as stress unbalances their activity, the level of cortisol in the skin increases, causing alterations in collagen and hyaluronic acid, which are crucial in keeping the skin toned and firm, interfering with the formation of the epidermal barrier and depressing the activity of fibroblasts, the cells of the dermis.
Under conditions of lasting stress, these alterations accumulate and translate on the face into dryness, loss of tone and elasticity and poor radiance, all signs of skin ageing.
During these long years of experience in the beauty industry, I have become sensitised in dealing with stress, which is why all my treatments focus on making the experience a panacea for stress, be it a facial or a body treatment. Balancing the nervous system, breathing, aromatherapy and sound baths with Tibetan bells are indispensable to allow the body to release tension and thus benefit from nourishment.
The skin is more ready to receive and absorb nutrients, the muscles release tension and allow the body to breathe better and finally the lymphatic system is reactivated and the body can eliminate toxins, including emotional ones
The best anti-stress protocol is the Kombi Shambala.
A true combination of techniques and practices that relax the mind, body and soul