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Better a cleanser today than an anti-age tomorrow

Skin care is now a common practice, it has also entered the habits of men and teenage girls.

What is still given little importance is 'cleansing', everyone concentrating on serums, masks, night creams and miracle creams but few concentrating on educating on proper cleansing.

That is why I decided to say a few words on the subject.

Cleansing the face is the first step of care, hydration and anti-ageing.

It is useless to spend hundreds of francs on top quality night products, serums, masks etc... if we then wash our face with soap or even worse with make-up remover wipes.

There are different types of cleansers on the market and choosing the right one sometimes really does seem like the search for the holy grail.

Cream cleanser, gel cleanser, micellar water, mild soap, biphasic cleanser, let's clarify a bit;

1. Our skin (a marvellously perfect organ) produces a natural cream called hydrolipidic film, the second protective barrier (after the hair) that allows us to filter out all the substances that could be absorbed and protects us from wind, sun, rain, dust, bacteria, smog, etc.

Film idrolipidico , the word itself reveals what it is made of, in fact it is a film formed by water - hydro and fat - lipids.

2.. Fatty substances bind fatty substances

3.The objective of cleansing our skin is to cleanse this film, removing deposits of dust, smog, etc., without alternating its fatty component.

So the goal is to emulsify the lipids in our natural cream, removing the dirty fats and releasing good fats.

To do this, it is essential to use substances that ARE NOT AGGRESSIVE TENSIOACTIVE OR FOAMY, as these would totally remove the hydrolipic film and alter the skin's pH, creating an imbalance at the level of the sebaceous glands (responsible for the production of film lipids) all of which sounds more like damage than cleansing

That is why I strongly recommend using vegetable oils to cleanse the skin and not detergents or foams.

After all, that's how we take care of our babies' skin!

  • how do I remove make-up?

The best way to dissolve all types of make-up including waterproof make-up is with fatty substances, oils or butters, preferably of vegetable origin.

  • Do I have oily skin?

There are two types of oily skin;

normal oily skin, the sebaceous glands produce more sebum

asphyctic skin

the sebaceous glands produce a different quality of sebum (more waxy and dense)

In both cases, cleansing with surfactant or foam would remove all the sebum, triggering an aggressive mechanism that stimulates the glands to produce even more sebum.

So the more foam your cleanser creates, the more sebum your skin will produce during the day.

Warm the oil or butter in your hands, massage it all over your face, neck and decollete in circular movements. Remember to insist on the entire contour of the face up to the hairline, behind the ears and the neck. Massage until all the make-up has dissolved, rinse with plenty of lukewarm water, using a microfibre cloth. Your skin will be perfectly cleansed and above all in balance, the usual feeling of tightness and dryness after cleansing will disappear and this is our skin's way of confirming that we are doing it right!

Get into the habit of doing this morning and evening, and only then buy a day or night cream, if you don't cleanse your skin properly, everything you apply will never have the desired effect!

If you would like to receive a real personalised lesson, analyse your beauty case and discover how to massage your face, then discover this experience



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